RSpace Blog

January 20, 2025

IGSN ID Guides from DataCite & RSpace


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In case you missed it, DataCite and RSpace collaborated on a couple materials to demystify IGSN IDs and help support their adoption! We hope these are helpful 📖

Samples 101 – Getting started with managing your samples using IGSN IDs and RSpace

This guide aims to provide comprehensive, step-by-step advice to enable institutions to set up and manage IGSN IDs for their material samples. We have compiled summaries and checklists for core concepts, commonly asked questions, and points of confusion, based on our experiences with various user groups.

IGSN ID Implementation Exemplars: RSpace

A walkthrough of the IGSN ID integration in RSpace Inventory, providing an example of how IGSN IDs can be seamlessly integrated into a sample management system to enable FAIR workflows.

Vaida Plankytė

RSpace is an open-source platform that orchestrates research workflows into FAIR data management ecosystems: request a demo or contact us to learn more.

March 18, 2025

RSpace Transitions to Open-Source Chemistry Tools

Open source

RSpace has transitioned to open-source chemistry tools in version 1.108, replacing Marvin with Ketcher for molecule rendering and integrating OpenBabel and Indigo for backend chemistry data management, ensuring full functionality and backward compatibility for users. This change aligns with RSpace's commitment to open-source principles, enabling more flexible development and potential community contributions to chemistry functionality. Users will experience a seamless update with all existing features preserved, including ChemDraw support and existing chemical structure compatibility. The ResearchSpace team is looking forward to expanding chemistry tools, with potential future improvements like advanced chemical calculations, database integrations, and enhanced data export capabilities. Customers can find the new tools active immediately in the latest release, with the team welcoming user feedback and suggestions for future developments.

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February 26, 2025

The time is now! Vertical interoperability between research tools: an essential enabler for the FAIRification of data

Research Data Management

A post we've written for the FORCE 11 Upstream blog on the concept, importance, and challenges of vertical interoperability between research tools.

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September 24, 2024

Web Accessibility: Our Improvements to RSpace

Product Updates

In the last year, we have been working to improve the accessibility of the RSpace product. We describe our work in complying with accessibility guidelines, as well as support for high contrast mode and reduced motion mode.

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June 26, 2024

Research Space Embraces Open-Source to Empower FAIR Data Workflows

Open source

RSpace Opens its Research Data Management Platform to the Community

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