
Research Space supports oganisations to implement, adopt, and maintain a modern integrated research data management ecosystem via RSpace. Further details about our services can be found on our pricing page.

Key Features

Electronic Lab Notebook

✔ Rich content text editor

✔ Collaborative editing & commenting

✔ Messages, requests and notifications

✔ Chemical structure import, sketching, structure search & calculators

✔ Sketching & image annotation

✔ Templates, forms & snippets

✔ Internal links between documents

✔ Link to data on institutional filestores

✔ In-app editing of Office365 documents

✔ Media embedding in documents

✔ Flexible workspace organisation

✔ LabGroups with PI & Lab Admin roles

✔ Signing & witnessing of documents

✔ Granular sharing, automatic sharing

✔ Guest user accounts at no charge

✔ A rich ecosystem of integrations

✔ Bi-directional data flow with DMPTool

API for programmatic search, review and retrieval of data

✔ Full audit trail of system events with timestamps & changes to research records

✔ Compliant with GDPR, 21 CFR 11, GLP

✔ Suited for compliance with upcoming NIH Data Sharing Policy

✔ Private AWS deployment in your chosen location or region

✔ On-premises deployment option

✔ Unlimited storage space

✔ No attached file size limit

✔ Backups & archiving into a repository

✔ Versioning and revision history

✔ SSO through SAML2 (Shibboleth) and LDAP (Active Directory)

✔ Independent security accreditation

✔ Reliable system uptime

✔ Tiered hierarchic admin

✔ System Administrator role

✔ System-wide administration and reports

✔ Permission management & user roles

✔ Reporting & usage information

✔ Custom onboarding, setup & training

✔ Comprehensive documentation

✔ Quality support by email & in-app chat

Unlimited teaching licenses at no extra cost

✔ Academic & commercial subscriptions

✔ Service Level Agreement

✔ Source code escrow ability

✔ Multi-year license contracts

✔ Co-branding


✔ Intuitive mobile-friendly interface

✔ Easy import of existing data

✔ High level of flexibility & customisation

✔ Configurable sample templates

✔ Hierarchical container organisation

✔ List, grid, and visual containers

✔ Tree, card, list view of items

✔ Powerful search and sorting system

✔ Location breadcrumbs for navigation

✔ Info panels with item details overview

✔ Manage sample data from the ELN

✔ Persistent item IDs for traceability

✔ Deposit all data directly into repository

✔ Link samples with experimental record

✔ Export selection of data for reporting

✔ Powerful API capabilities


✔ Online files & documents

✔ Institutional and lab file stores

✔ Data management plans

✔ Protocols

✔ Animal, equipment, field data

✔ Collaboration tools

✔ Programming tools

✔ Chemistry & Biology tools

✔ Export to repositories

✔ Storage & archiving

✔ RSpace API


Electronic Lab Notebook

✔ Rich content text editor

✔ Collaborative editing & commenting

✔ Messages, requests and notifications

✔ Chemical structure import, sketching, structure search & calculators

✔ Sketching & image annotation

✔ Templates, forms & snippets

✔ Internal links between documents

✔ Link to data on institutional filestores

✔ In-app editing of Office365 documents

✔ Media embedding in documents

✔ Flexible workspace organisation

✔ LabGroups with PI & Lab Admin roles

✔ Signing & witnessing of documents

✔ Granular sharing, automatic sharing

✔ Guest user accounts at no charge

✔ A rich ecosystem of integrations

✔ Bi-directional data flow with DMPTool

API for programmatic search, review and retrieval of data

✔ Full audit trail of system events with timestamps & changes to research records

✔ Compliant with GDPR, 21 CFR 11, GLP

✔ Suited for compliance with upcoming NIH Data Sharing Policy

✔ Private AWS instance deployment in your chosen location

✔ On-premises deployment option

✔ Unlimited storage space

✔ No attached file size limit

✔ Backups & archiving into a repository

✔ Versioning and revision history

✔ SSO through SAML2 (Shibboleth) and LDAP (Active Directory)

✔ Independent security accreditation

✔ Reliable system uptime

✔ Tiered hierarchic admin

✔ System Administrator role

✔ System-wide administration and reports

✔ Permission management & user roles

✔ Reporting & usage information

✔ Custom onboarding, setup & training

✔ Comprehensive documentation

✔ Quality support by email & in-app chat

✔ Academic & commercial subscriptions

✔ Service Level Agreement

✔ Source code escrow ability

✔ Multi-year license contracts

✔ Co-branding

See all features


✔ Online files & documents

✔ Institutional and lab file stores

✔ Data management plans

✔ Protocols

✔ Animal, equipment, field data

✔ Collaboration tools

✔ Programming tools

✔ Chemistry & Biology tools

✔ Export to repositories

✔ Storage & archiving

✔ RSpace API

See all integrations


✔ Intuitive mobile-friendly interface

✔ Easy import of existing data

✔ High level of flexibility & customisation

✔ Configurable sample templates

✔ Hierarchical container organisation

✔ List, grid, and visual containers

✔ Tree, card, list view of items

✔ Powerful search and sorting system

✔ Location breadcrumbs for navigation

✔ Info panels with item details overview

✔ Manage sample data from the ELN

✔ Persistent item IDs for traceability

✔ Deposit all data directly into repository

✔ Link samples with experimental record

✔ Export selection of data for reporting

✔ Powerful API capabilities

See all features

Detailed Features List

Electronic Lab Notebook

Feature-rich notebook

✔ Rich content text editor

✔ Organise work with folders & notebooks

✔ A wide range of tool and app integrations for unrivaled connectivity

✔ Integrated with the most modern inventory system

✔ Bi-directional data flows between RSpace and DMPTool, ensuring up-to-date information throughout the research life cycle

✔ A well-documented RSpace API for programmatic search, review and retrieval of data

✔ Draw or import chemical structures and reactions, structure search, work with SnapGene DNA sequence files

✔ Office365 round-trip editing of documents within RSpace

✔ Inbuilt tool for sketching

✔ Snippets for reusable text & image annotation

✔ In-browser viewing and editing of images

✔ Gallery storing files of any format

✔ Unlimited storage space (even on Community!)

✔ No attached file size limit

Easy collaboration

✔ Create Labgroups and assign user roles

✔ Within a lab, share resources, edit collaboratively,  set up automatic sharing of work

✔ Collaboration between labs through Collaboration Groups and Communities

✔ Selectively share documents and data with specific users

✔ A personal workspace and shared workspace for flexible organisation

✔ For PIs, access lab member's notebooks on the go, enable open lab autosharing, and delegate with the Lab Admin role

✔ Custom templates & forms provide helpful lab entry formats for lab members

✔ Send messages, requests and notifications within Labgroups, comment within documents

✔ Directory with information on other users, labs and departments

Powerful search & linking

✔ Internal links between RSpace documents and external links to cloud storage or filestores, for traceability and ease of use

✔ Access and link to files in institutional filestores

✔ Link to repositories and archives

✔ Advanced search features, including chemical structure search

Flexible import & export

✔ Import from Word & protocols.io

✔ Data migration services from other ELNs such as Benchling and Labfolder

✔ Export files and documents as HTML, XML, PDF, DOC

✔ Export to an external repository (eg. figshare or Dataverse)

✔ Generate backups that go straight into a repository, such as Amazon S3, with our powerful RSpace API

Choice in deployment

✔ An AWS setup in your jurisdiction, set up and managed by us

✔ An on-premises deployment: we will work with you to install RSpace on your servers

✔ Hosting on a private cloud that you manage

✔ Data is located in your country, or in the EU for EU states, in all cases

✔ Customizable data and file management to suit your storage infrastructure and workflows

✔ System Administrator role, ability to "operate as" a user for efficient problem-solving

✔ Tiered hierarchic admin, SSO

✔ Configure features and policies based on your needs

Learn more about deployment

Support in deployment

✔ Custom onboarding, setup & on-going training and support

✔ Extensive experience with different institutional IT environments

✔ Responsive and quality customer support, through email and in-app chat

✔ We work with our customers to develop features based on their needs

✔ Comprehensive documentation for researchers, PIs, system administrators and developers

Learn more about RSpace Solutions

Data security & compliance

✔ Comprehensive GDPR compliance

✔ 21 CFR 11 compliant, GLP compliant

✔ Uniquely suited to comply with the NIH Data Sharing Policy

✔ Signing & witnessing of documents

✔ Full audit trail of system events with timestamps, including changes made to research records

✔ Versioning and revision history

✔ SSO through SAML2 (Shibboleth) and LDAP (Active Directory)

✔ No retention limits on system logs or audit information

✔ Data can be retained on the system indefinitely

✔ Independent security accreditation

More on SecurityMore on Compliance

Inventory & Sample Management System

Available at no extra cost to Team & Enterprise customers!
Learn more on our Inventory page.


✔ Easily configurable sample templates with adjustable fields and terminology

✔ List, grid, and visual containers, that can be organised into hierarchies

✔ High level of flexibility & customisation

✔ User engagement throughout development to ensure a usable, workflow-driven product

✔ Toggleable views: tree, card, list view

✔ Frictionless import flow to get you started in no time

✔ All actions performed through the system's interface can be reproduced through the API

Integrated to enable FAIR data

✔ Manage sample data from the ELN, eg. directly decrement volumes of samples when they are used in an experiment

✔ ELN and Inventory are always in sync, maintaining an accurate record of location, quantity and data

✔ Lists of Materials provide reliable data about samples used in the experimental record, facilitating reproducibility

✔ Persistent Global IDs of Inventory items for traceability

✔ Directly deposit research & sample data into Figshare and Dataverse

Intuitive & visual

✔ Modern interface that provides just the information you need

✔ Mobile-first design approach for on-the-go use

✔ Location breadcrumbs for easier navigation, and parent links for explicit relationships between items

✔ Powerful search-based system

✔ At-a-glance info panels and visual containers for quick recognition and inspection of properties


For detailed information on availability, see Integrations page.

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