Case Studies

We are trusted by institutions and researchers worldwide

The following RSpace adoption case studies showcase the process of ELN evaluation, selection and onboarding at various institutions. We hope that hearing from our existing customers provides a better understanding of the benefits and features of RSpace and demonstrates our engagement in the onboarding process.

James Wilson, Head of Research Data Services

University College London

A detailed presentation on UCL's requirements and evaluation of ELNs for adoption, and their rationale for choosing RSpace. RSpace's strengths include avoiding vendor lock-on, ability to export data in range of formats, good API, and good documentation and help guides among others.

View presentation →

Chris Doherty, Head of Laboratory Operations

Centre for Cardiovascular Science, The University of Edinburgh

“When it became clear that the feedback was overwhelmingly positive and users were very happy with the ease of access and quality of support, it was decided that RSpace was the right ELN for CVS.”

Read full case study →

Fabian Monheim, System Administrator

Leibniz Institute on Aging, Fritz Lipmann Institute (FLI)

“Now, the users savor ELN functions like full-text search, revision control, working together on documents, linking files and the possibility to share the ELN across the team and access it from home.”

Read full case study →

Trusted by institutions and researchers worldwide

We are proud to be deployed at:


Harvard University



Leiden University




Particles for Humanity


Seattle Children's


TU Delft

The Arctic University of Norway




University of Bonn

University of Edinburgh

University of Geneva

University of Göttingen

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